Gameboy Color Pokemon Games Not Saving


Posted in Gameboy / Color, Pokemon Series, Popular Games Tagged gameboy advance games online, gameboy color, gameboy color iphone, gbc emulator iphone, next pokemon game, Online Emulator, play on web, play pokemon games unblocked, poke man, Pokemon - Crystal Version GBC, pokemon emulator play, pokemon games online, pokemon online retro, retro.

Do you have an original Game Boy (GB) game, or a Game Boy Color (GBC) game? One that you've spent days of play time on, won so many achievements with, or just can't part with the saves you have on there? If so, it's more than likely (almost guaranteed) that there is a battery inside that old game cartridge, and if it's never been replaced, is finally going dead. And that means bye-bye saves!

So with that morbid news, what do you do now? Well, that's what this Instructable is for!


After many searches of Google, and some questionable posts by questionable people, I ran into several ways to be able to replace that decrepit battery in the cartridge that is loved so dearly without losing the savestate, but they were somewhat vague and not really what I was looking for. So after seeing these things, I thought to myself that there's got to be a better way, and figured 'What the heck? Why not give it a try?'

And surprisingly, it works!

Gameboy Color Pokemon Games Not Saving

So if you're ready to replace the battery in your Pokemon game or Wario Land cartridge without losing the precious saves, then read on!

NOTE: Pokemon, GB, GBC, GBA/GBA SP, Nintendo, etc. do not belong to me (clearly, otherwise I'd be rolling in mountains of cash). In no way do I claim ownership to these things.

Pokemon Gameboy Color Rom

NOTE #2: This project is of your own doing. I am in no way responsible for any problems that may occur in doing this procedure. So that means you can't sue me. I think.

***EDIT NOTE: jmetal881 was nice enough to point out in the comments that it's not a good idea to solder the battery to the tabs because of the heat (it could potentially melt the battery). Just be aware of the dangers that could happen if you do solder the battery! Also, as an extra emphasis, DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE CIRCUITS OR BATTERIES WITH ANYTHING METAL WHILE DOING THIS! Free download aimsun scripting manual programs like photoshop. ALWAYS COVER YOUR TOOLS! Or else death awaits your precious game! :)

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