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Konu(lar): BİLİM,

Yazar(lar):SAYMAN , Yahya (Yazar),

Emeği Geçen(ler):SAYILGAN, Güven (Tez Danışmanı),

DOI: 10.1501/ankara-24634


Diğer Niteleme Bilgileri: http://acikarsiv.ankara.edu.tr/browse/24634/YahyaSAYMANtez.pdf

Yayınlayan:Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Yayın Yeri:AnkaraYayın Tarihi:2012Yayınlandığı Sayfalar:306 s.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Sermaye Yapısı, Sahiplik Yapısı, İşletme Performansı, İşletme Değeri, Temsilcilik Teorisi, Capital Structure, Ownership Structure, Firm Performance, Firm Value, Agency Theory


Bu tez çalışmasında işletmelerin sahiplik yapılarının sermaye yapıları ve işletme değeri üzerindeki etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur. Bunun için, hisse senetleri İMKB’de işlem gören imalat işletmelerinin 1998–2009 yılları arasındaki panel verileri kullanılmıştır. Kurulan model ile sermaye yapısının ve işletme değerinin sahiplik yapısındaki değişikliklerden nasıl etkilendiği ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır.

Çalışma sonucunda, ortak sayısı azalan işletmelerin sermaye yapılarını, işletme değerini arttırmak adına, daha riskli hale getirdikleri, bu sonuca paralel olarak da ortak sayısı azalan işletmelerin piyasa değerinin arttığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, işletmelerin ortak sayısı diğer bir ifade ile halka açıklık oranları arttığında, işletmelerde profesyonel yöneticilerin istihdam edilmesi gereği söz konusu olacaktır. Bu durumda yöneticiler, işletmenin finansal sıkıntıya girmemesi için sermaye yapısındaki özkaynak oranının artmasını isteyeceklerdir. Sonuçta ise işletmenin piyasa değeri olumlu etkilenecektir. Özetle, işletmelerin sahiplik yapılarının sermaye yapısı kararları üzerinde etkili olduğu ve bu kapsamda işletmelerin değerlerine etki yaptığı gözlemlenmiştir.


In this study, the impact of ownership structure on firms’ capital structure and firm value is examined. Therefore, manufacturing firms whose stocks are quoted on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) over the period 1998 and 2009 are covered using pooled data. On the developed model, it was investigated how ownership structure is affected by the capital structure.

According to the results of the regression model, it has been found that firms which have less shareholders choose higher-risk capital structures because of increasing firm value. Furthermore, provided that capital intensity becomes higher, firms must hire professional managers. In this instance, professional managers prefer equity financing for preventing financial distresses. And firms value is positively impacted by this situation. In summary, this study concludes that firms’ ownership structure affects capital structure and firm value.


İÇİNDEKİLER ...................................................... i

TABLOLAR ....................................................... vii

KISALTMALAR .................................................. viii

GİRİŞ ............................................................. 1

1 SERMAYE YAPISI .............................................. 7

1.1 Sermaye Yapısı Kavramı ........................................... 7

1.2 Sermaye Yapısı Teorileri .......................................... 10

1.2.1 Sermaye Yapısına İlişkin Klasik Yaklaşımlar ................... 11

1.2.2 Modigliani ve Miller Modeli ................................ 13

1.2.3 Miller Modeli ............................................ 19

1.2.4 Ödünleşme (Trade-off) Teorisi .............................. 22

1.2.5 Finansman Hiyerarşisi Teorisi ............................... 29

1.2.6 Temsilcilik Sorunu Teorisi .................................. 39

1.2.7 Piyasa Zamanlaması Teorisi ................................ 51

1.2.8 Sinyal Teorisi ............................................ 58

1.3 İşletmelerin Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler ...................... 61

1.4 Sermaye Yapısının Ölçülmesi ...................................... 72

1.5 Sermaye Bileşenlerinin Maliyeti .................................... 73

2 SAHİPLİK YAPISI ............................................. 75

2.1 Sahiplik Kavramı ................................................ 75

2.2 Sermaye Sahipliği ............................................... 76

2.3 Sermaye Yoğunluğu Kavramı ...................................... 80

2.4 Sermaye Sahipliğinin Türleri ....................................... 82

2.4.1 Aile İşletmeleri ........................................... 83

2.4.2 Kurumsal Yatırımcı Sahipliği ............................... 92

2.4.3 Yönetici Sahipliği ........................................ 98

2.4.4 Çalışan Sahipliği ........................................ 101

2.4.5 Kamu Sahipliği ......................................... 102

2.4.6 Geniş Tabanlı Sermaye Sahipliği ............................ 107

2.5 Sermaye Sahipliğini Açıklayan Değişkenler .......................... 112

2.5.1 Birinci ve İkinci Büyük Ortak .............................. 113

2.5.2 Halka Açıklık Oranı ...................................... 116

3 PERFORMANS ÖLÇÜMÜ ..................................... 119

3.1 Performans Kavramı ............................................ 119

3.2 Performans Değerleme ........................................... 120

3.3 Performans Ölçme Nedenleri ...................................... 123

3.4 Performans Ölçme Yöntemleri .................................... 124

3.4.1 Finansal Performans Ölçme Yöntemleri ...................... 126

3.4.2 Bütçe Temelli Performans Ölçme Yöntemleri .................. 136

3.4.3 Finansal Olmayan Performans Ölçme Yöntemleri .............. 142

3.5 Performans Yetersizliği ve Finansal Başarısızlıklar .................... 143

3.5.1 Finansal Başarısızlık Aşamaları ............................. 144

3.5.2 Sermaye Yapısını Güçlendirmek için Alınacak Önlemler ......... 145

3.5.3 Finansal Başarısızlığın Maliyeti ............................. 146

3.5.4 Finansal Başarısızlığın Tahmine Yönelik Çalışmalar ............ 147

4 İŞLETME DEĞERİ ............................................ 152

4.1 İşletme Kavramı ve İşletmenin Amacı ............................... 152

4.2 İşletme Değeri Kavramı .......................................... 153

4.3 İşletme Değerinin Belirlenme Nedenleri ............................. 156

4.3.1 Birleşme veya Devralma Süreci ............................. 156

4.3.2 Halka Açılma Süreci ..................................... 157

4.3.3 Yatırımcı Değer Analizleri ................................. 158

4.4 Değerlemeye İhtiyaç Duyan Taraflar ................................ 160

4.5 Değerleme Yöntemleri ........................................... 161

4.5.1 Düzeltilmiş Defter Değeri Yöntemi .......................... 164

4.5.2 Net Aktif Değeri Yöntemi ................................. 165

4.5.3 Yenileme Değeri ........................................ 166

4.5.4 Göreceli Değerlendirme Yöntemi ........................... 166

4.5.5 İskonto Edilmiş Nakit Akımları Yöntemi ..................... 171

4.5.6 Sermaye Varlıkları Fiyatlama Modeli (CAPM) ................. 176

4.5.7 Arbitraj Fiyatlama Modeli ................................. 179

4.5.8 Ekonomik Katma Değer Yöntemi ........................... 182

4.5.9 Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu Kapsamında Değerleme ............. 186

4.6 İşletme Değerini Etkileyen Faktörler ................................ 191

5 AMPİRİK UYGULAMA........................................ 193

5.1 Araştırmanın Konusu ............................................ 195

5.2 Araştırmanın Amacı ve Kapsamı ................................... 195

5.3 Sahiplik ile Sermaye Yapısı Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Çalışmalar ......... 196

5.4 Sahiplik Yapısı ile Performansı Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Çalışmalar ...... 206

5.5 Araştırmada Kullanılan Veri Seti ve Sınırlılıklar....................... 209

5.6 Araştırma Modeli ve Hipotezler.................................... 211

5.7 Değişkenler ve Araştırma Yöntemi ................................. 212

5.7.1 Değişkenler ve Tanımlayıcı İstatistikler ...................... 212

5.7.2 Birim Kök Testleri ....................................... 218

5.7.3 Araştırma Yönetimi ...................................... 221

5.8 Ampirik Sonuçlar ............................................... 222

5.8.1 Sahiplik Yapısı - Sermaye Yapısı Modeli Sonucu ............... 222

5.8.2 Sahiplik Yapısı – İşletme Performansı Modeli Sonucu ........... 229

5.8.3 Diğer Diagnostik Testler .................................. 234

SONUÇ VE DEĞERLENDİRME .................................... 236

ÖZET ............................................................ 240

ABSTRACT ...................................................... 241

KAYNAKÇA ..................................................... 242

EKLER .......................................................... 286

Ek-1: Birim Kök Testi Sonuçları ....................................... 286

Ek-2: 1. Denklem Regresyon Sonuçları .................................. 292

Ek-3: 2. Denklem Regresyon Sonuçları .................................. 293

Ek-4: 3. Denklem Regresyon Sonuçları .................................. 294

Ek-5: 4. Denklem Regresyon Sonuçları .................................. 295

Ek-6: 1. ve 2. Denklemler Hausman Testi Sonuçları ........................ 296

Ek-7: 3. ve 4. Denklemler Hausman Testi Sonuçları ........................ 296

Ek-8: 1. ve 2. Denklem için Durbin Watson ve LBI Testi Sonuçları ........... 297

Ek-9: 3. ve 4. Denklem için Durbin Watson ve LBI Testi Sonuçları ........... 298

Ek-10: 2. Denklem için Artık Testi Sonuçları ............................. 299

Ek-11: 4. Denklem için Artık Testi Sonuçları ............................. 300

Ek-12: 3. Denklem Nihai Çözüm ....................................... 301

Ek-13: 4. Denklem Nihai Çözüm ....................................... 302

Ek-14: 1. ve 2. Denklem için Değişen Varyans Analizi Sonuçları ............. 303

Ek-15: 3. ve 4. Denklem için Değişen Varyans Analizi Sonuçları ............. 303

Ek-16: Modelde Kullanılan İşletmelerin İsimleri .......................... 304

Ek-17: Modelden Çıkarılan İşletmelerin İsimleri .......................... 306



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Dick Tracy and Yogee Yamma (Better Little Books)
Give and Take
A Thief of Time
The Mammoth Book of Tattoo Art
The Retail Revolution: How Wal-Mart Created a Brave New World of Business
Miniature banking histories,.

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Last Bride, The (Home to Hickory Hollow)
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365 Cello Lessons: 2010 Note-A-Day Calendar for Cello
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The natural history of atheism,
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Rights of the Dying
Pocket PCs For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))
The Halo of Grief (Classic Reprint)
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The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia
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The Weight of Grace: Experience the Freedom from Overeating that You Already Have
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John Quincy Adams (Great American Presidents)
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A Book About Lawyers (2 Vols.)
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The Language of Medicine (Ninth Edition)
World Wall Map - Physical: Atlantic Centred -
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Visual Merchandising: The Image Of Selling
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The Gay And Lesbian Guide To College Life: A Comprehensive Resource For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Students And Their Allies (Princeton Review) -- rasmtar, 00:04:59 03/24/14 Mon
The Gay And Lesbian Guide To College Life: A Comprehensive Resource For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Students And Their Allies (Princeton Review) >http://tinyurl.com/obqafgm

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The Trade of the Decade: A Guide to Investing in the 2010s
The Toyminator
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Earth to Stella!
Gordon Parks (Melrose Square Black American Series)
A Move Abroad: Or Shall We Die?: An Oratorio AND Ploughman's Lunch (Picador Books)
My musical life;
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Health talkabouts: (health education for the disadvantaged).

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The Punishment And Prevention Of Crime
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Select practical writings of John Knox
Twelve Sonatas for Two Violins and Piano with Cello and Libitum (Kalmus String Series no. 4632, book 1 Op. 4 Nos. 1-3)
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Leonardo Da Vinci: Revised Edition -- orlanheno, 19:36:28 03/23/14 Sun
Leonardo Da Vinci: Revised Edition >http://tinyurl.com/ofme5ko

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Vocal Score: Bye Bye Birdie
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Big Histories, Human Lives: Tackling Problems of Scale in Archaeology (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar)
Jack And The Beanstalk
Policing a Diverse Society (Blackstone's Practical Policing Series)
Literary studies,
I Hate Hamlet.
Don't Die with Your Song Unsung
The Pocket Gophers Of The United States..
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Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences
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McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science & Technology)
Toilet Training: A Practical Guide to Daytime and Nighttime Training
The American Dream: From an Indian Heart
This Land That I Love: Irving Berlin, Woody Guthrie, and the Story of Two American Anthems
Bad Dog
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The Somerville Farce (Signet Regency Romance)
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Let's Go Rock Collecting (Let'S-Read-And-Find-Out Science. Stage 2)
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows : Quick Course
Tetravalent HPV vaccine now in phase III trials: preventing cervical cancers.(Women's Health)(human papillomavirus vaccine): An article from: Family Practice News
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The Chinese Way To Wealth And Prosperity: 8 Timeless Strategies For Achieving Financial Success -- orlanheno, 19:34:49 03/23/14 Sun
The Chinese Way To Wealth And Prosperity: 8 Timeless Strategies For Achieving Financial Success >http://tinyurl.com/ofme5ko

The Chinese Way To Wealth And Prosperity: 8 Timeless Strategies For Achieving Financial Success
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Historic Churches Around Wiltshire
The Truth About William Shakespeare: Fact, Fiction and Modern Biographies
World Fertilizer Plant List and Atlas
Cold Mountain Poems: Zen Poems of Han Shan, Shih Te, and Wang Fan-chih
Official Shaun the Sheep 2014 Slim Calendar
Police Patrol: Operations and Management (2nd Edition)
Night World No. 2: Dark Angel; The Chosen; Soulmate
Ableton Live 4 Power!
The Silence of Great Distance
Where Does the Garbage Go?: Revised Edition (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
African Girl
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
Searching Smarter
Millionaire Book of 1236 Unusual Successful Home Businesses
Becoming a Woman of Excellence
The Mega Agent Mindset
Woman As Object: Language and Gender in the Work of Alberto Moravia
Notes on a visit to Sinai monastery and a motor car tour in Sinai peninsula, in January 1926
Unemployed Blessings, Jobhunting Peace: Encouraging, practical tips and observations designed to help unemployed professionals thrive spiritually, .. search for work in a challenging economy.
The Divine Romance (Inspirational)
WileyPLUS/eCollege Stand--alone to Accompany Financial Accounting.

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The Kuwait Crisis: Basic Documents (Cambridge International Documents Series) -- orlanheno, 19:33:39 03/23/14 Sun
>>> The Kuwait Crisis: Basic Documents (Cambridge International Documents Series) <<<

The Kuwait Crisis: Basic Documents (Cambridge International Documents Series)
A Guide to Observing Insect Lives (Stokes Nature Guides)
The Light in the Forest
The Complete Cabin Crew Interview Manual - The ultimate guide to being successful at a Flight Attendant interview
Service Offerings and Agreements: A Guide for ITIL(R) V3 Exam Candidates
The Bluffers Guide to Interior Decorating
Tomas Moro: Humanista Y Martir (Spanish Edition)
al-Haqiqah wa-al-majaz fi al-rihlah ila bilad al-Sham wa-Misr wa-al-Hijaz (Arabic Edition)
The Contented Soul: The Art of Savoring Life
Pivot Point
Mgc Guidelines for Good Practice: Working with Contractors
SWANSON on Internal Auditing: Raising the Bar
A manual of photographic chemistry, including the practice of the collodion process
Sustainability: The Basics
Media Planning: A Practical Guide
Confrontation Talk: Arguments, Asymmetries, and Power on Talk Radio (Everyday Communication Series)
Returning Home: Reconnecting with Our Childhoods
Grandma Rabbity's Visit (DK toddler story books)
The things above
Phytosterols and Phytostanols - Patent and Technology Report - Key players, innovators and Industry Analysis
365 Kittens-a-Year 2014 Wall Calendar
With the Guards' Brigade During the Boer War: On Campaign from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
Boros: Webster's Facts and Phrases
Yoruba Legends
A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear: Using Psychology, Christianity, and Non-Resistant Methods
Sweater Design in Plain English, Second Edition
Manual of common parasites, diseases, and anomalies of wildlife in Ontario
From Dream to Vision of Life (Classic Reprint)
The Secret Power of Covenant: Unleashing God's Protection, Power and Prosperity in Your Life
Youth Aggression and Violence: A Psychological Approach
Generation Reinvention: How Boomers Today Are Changing Business, Marketing, Aging and the Future
Processed Foods and the Consumer: Additives, Labeling, Standards, and Nutrition
Transformation of Social Security: Pensions in Central-Eastern Europe (Contributions to Economics)
Poison (G K Hall Large Print Book Series)
Faster Than the Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation
Firestorm: Preventing and Overcoming Church Conflicts
Deaf School: The Non-Stop Pop Art Punk Rock Party
Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
There Were No Coyotes: Formerly Marsh Owls (Tracy Cunningham, P.I.) (Volume 5)
Pseudepigrapha; An Account of Certain Apocryphal Sacred Writings of the Jews and Early Christians (Russian Edition)
Experimenting: Essays with Samuel Weber
Reefer Market 1998/99: Management Report (LSE Management Report Series)
Braddock's March: How the Man Sent to Seize a Continent Changed American History
How to Keep Slim, Healthy & Young with Juice Fasting
A Dictionary of the European Union (Europa Publications Eu Information)
Basic Training For A Few Good Men
The Wind from Hastings
From South Devon to the South Pole
The Best Advice Ever Given (1001)
Oma Finds a Miracle
Memory Quilts in the Making (For the Love of Quilting)
Jonathan Sacks: Universalizing Particularity (Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers)
Proceedings Of The 3rd International Conference On Food Factors (Stand Alone)
Marketing Investment Planner 2010: Benchmarks, Key Performance Indicators, and CMO Priorities
Meena Pathak's Indian Cooking for Family and Friends.

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Vacation Bible School 2014 Praise Break Adult Student Handbook: Celebrating The Works Of God! -- gilbeelett, 03:59:53 03/22/14 Sat
Vacation Bible School 2014 Praise Break Adult Student Handbook: Celebrating The Works Of God! >http://tinyurl.com/ntwebno

Mushrooms (Little Kitchen Library)
The Innocents
Basics of Budgeting: Become a Better Business Planner (Crisp Fifty Minute Series)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: A Novel
EDS: First Steps to Transformation, But Are They Big Enough to Ensure a Leadership Position?
Decision Making in Nursing: Tools for Change
Put Me in the Zoo! Puzzle Book
Vacation Bible School 2014 Praise Break Heritage & Drama Leader: Celebrating the Works of God!
How to Get the Best from Your Microwave Oven: Simple Techniques and Easy Step-By-Step Recipes
Fontana and Hiwasee Lakes, Nantahala National Forest (Trails Illustrated Map #784) (National Geographic Maps: Trails Illustrated)
How to Build a Real Estate Money Machine
The Soul And Its Origin
Box-Making Projects for the Scroll Saw: 30 Woodworking Projects That Are Surprisingly Easy to Make
Almost Demon
La Corda d'Oro, Vol. 9
Employment Law: Uk Edition (Law Express)
935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America's Moral Integrity
Pacific Crest Trail Pocket Maps - Southern California
Cuckoo Sister
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging
Best Hikes With Children in Western Washington and the Cascades (Best Hikes With Children Series)
Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?
Warman's Jewelry: Identification and Price Guide
Complete Shibari Volume 2: Sky
Breaking the Silence
Masonic Symbolism Of Faith, Hope And Charity
Christlike Headship
The Campus Ghost/The Ghost Dogs of Whispering Oaks/Blackbeard's Skull/The Ghost Jogger/The Curse of the Frog/The Greenhouse Ghost (Nancy Drew Ghost Stories 1, 27, 59, 89, 107 & 133)
Ingleton Falls: An Essential Photographic Walking Guide
Writing that Works 9e & Business Writer's Handbook 8e & ix visual exercises for tech comm
Messianic Judaism: A Modern Movement with an Ancient Past
False Pretenses
Celine Journey to the End of the Night
Sophocles in single plays for the use of schools: Oedipus Coloneus: New and revised edition
Roberts Bird Guide
RESTful .NET: Build and Consume RESTful Web Services with .NET 3.5
Blue Dog Speaks
Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices
The Theology of the Book of Revelation
Cocaine (Encyclopedia of psychoactive drugs)
Dozier's Waterway Guide 2009 Southern (Waterway Guide Southern Edition)
Official Pokemon 2013 Calendar
Event Cascade
Vero Energy Inc. Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Operations and Cost Analysis - Q1, 2011
Seven Up
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Understanding the Workplace 2nd (second) Edition by Levy, Paul E. [2005]
Family Ties (Love Inspired #186)
Picture Puzzler
The Good Skiing Guide
The power of Christianity a perpetual evidence of Christ's resurrection: The spital sermon for Easter Tuesday, 1845 : preached before the Lord Mayor .. and other governors of the royal hospitals
The People of Puerto Rico
A Tree Is a Plant (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science)
HCF diets: Guidelines for high carbohydrate, fiber diets
The Golden Book of Quotations: Based on the Penguin Dictionary of Quotations
Biochemistry (Biochemistry (Berg))
The philosophy of existentialism and a psychology of irreversible homosexuality (College student journal)
Spontaneous meditation: Hari om tatsat jai Guru Datta
Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War (Making of the Twentieth Century)
Eat Up, Little Donkey (Gecko Press Titles).

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Honore Daumier Lithographien: 1861-1872 -- gilbeelett, 03:58:42 03/22/14 Sat
>>> Honore Daumier Lithographien: 1861-1872 <<<

La nada y las tinieblas (Spanish Edition)
Good News Bible.
Fulham: The Team - Seasons 1903 to 1995
A Commentary on Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica III 1-471 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements)
The Secret Gospel of Ireland: The Untold Story of How Science and Democracy Descended from a Remarkable Form of Christianity That Developed in Ancient Ireland
Captain Underhill Uncovers the Truth: Edgar Allan Crow and the Purloined, Purloined Letter (Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater)
Circumferences: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases
Death in Ecstacy (Inspector Roderick Allehn Mysteries Series)
We Shall: Photographs by Paul D'Amato
Teaching/Writing in the Late Age of Print (Research and Teaching in Rhetoric and Composition)
Wilt Thou Thy Heart Surrender ( Willst Du Dein Herz Mir Schenken )- Vocal & Piano Sheet Music
The Global Economy and Democracy in South Africa
Gift for a Lion
The regulation of retail trade competition;: An economic approach,
Handlist of Masonic Documents
Public broadcasting's uncertain future (Editorial research reports)
Under the Sign of Hope: Feminist Methodology and Narrative Interpretation (Suny Series, Identities in the Classroom)
The Fox
Moms on the Job: 7 Secrets for Success at Home and Work
Midwife's Here!: The Enchanting True Story of Britain's Longest Serving Midwife
Paclitaxel: Biosynthesis, Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Uses (Pharmacology, Research, Safety Testing and Regulation)
Circumpolar Religion and Ecology: An Anthropology of the North
Bermuda Triangle: A Secret War
The Complete Book of Mexican Cooking
Fawlty Towers: The Story of Britain's Favourite Sitcom
The Spiritual Sanctions of a League of Nations (Russian Edition)
Hairstyles, braiding & haircare
ISO 10962:2001, Securities and related financial instruments -- Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code)
Lonely Planet Southeast Asia (Shoestring)
The Red Runs Deep
Know Who You Believe (Know What/Why Series)
Send 'Em One White Sock and 66 Other Outrageously Simple Ideas From Around the World for Building Your Business or Brand: The MaxiMarketing Idea Book
The Drowned
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1998 series) #49 PHOTO
Essentials of Food Science (Food Science Text Series)
Forty-Niners: 50th Anniversary Collector's Edition
Sailing directions for the coasts of Spain and Portugal, from cape Ortegal to Gibraltar
The Complete Dog Book
Connect Plus Athletic Training Access Card for Principles of Athletic Training
Tunnel in the Sky [With Earbuds] (Playaway Young Adult)
Multinational Business Finance (11th Edition).

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Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) -- zakapypip, 00:43:36 03/22/14 Sat
Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) >http://tinyurl.com/q7yo4wu

Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries), Show Time (Compass)
A Glossary of Provincial Words Used in Teesdale in the County of Durham
Workbook for Mosby's EMT-Intermediate Textbook for the 1999 National Standard Curriculum, 3e
House Industries
Cathay: The Five Kingdoms Player's Guide
Art and Colour: Red Around You (Longman Book Project)
Bonjour, Happiness!
My Book Full of Feelings: How to Control and React to the Size of Your Emotions
The Infant and Toddler Handbook: Invitations for Optimum Development
Eddie: The Lost Youth of Edgar Allan Poe
There Go the Ships: East End Lives in Words and Pictures
Theodore Roosevelt, an Intimate Biography
Thin Brass Candle Follower: Fits 7/8 Dia
Tough Chart Area 15: SC5915: Cork to Kinsale (Admiralty Tough Charts)
The Ultimate How To Earn Extra Money, Marketing and Success Principles for Professional Baseball Team Jackets Web Businesses 3 CD Power Pack
The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies) (Volume 1)
Principles Of Fire Protection And Emergency Services
Heroes of Labour
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Just Too Busy: Taking your Family on a Radical Sabbatical
A Welsh woman's work in India
The Fox Book
2011 Worldwide Pet & Pet Supplies Stores Industry Report
Zarubezhnye molodezhnye organizatsii: Spravochnik (Russian Edition)
Norwegian Folk Tales: From the Collection of Peter Christen Asbj Rnsen, J Rgen M
The Book of Knowledge : The Keys of Enoch
Running Out of Time
Gardens of British Columbia: An Altitude SuperGuide (Altitude Superguides)
Advertising Dolls: Identification and Value Guide
Pregethu a Phregthwyr (Welsh Edition)
Cardinal Nation : A Collection of The Greatest Players, Teams, and Moments in Cardinal History
Little Chanclas
Best Places to Stay: 44 Extraordinary Hotels
Study Wizard: Ohio Real Estate Law
The whole book of psalms, collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrew. ..
Jainism Or Yati-Ism
In the Year of the Boar
Law and Economics (International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (Second Series),#2,)
The Social world of occupations
Integration of Clinical and Financial Information Systems
Ghosts, Monsters and the Unexplained
Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Prospects for Developing Countries
Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World
The rejected medical school applicant: Options and alternatives
Handbook on the law of persons and domestic relations, (The Hornbook series. 17)
Fanny Wright: Rebel in America
Galaxy Magazine, May 1953 (Vol. 6, No. 2)
Marketing Decision Making: A Model-building Approach (Holt, Rinehart and Winston marketing series)
How to Pay for Your Degree in Journalism & Related Fields 2013-2015 (How to Pay for Your Degree in Journalism and Related Fields)
Disparando al presidente (Memoria)
The American Physical Therapy Association Book of Body Maintenance and Repair
Our Country's Founders: A Book of Advice for Young People Adapted from Our Sacred Honor.

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Hold The Fort, Snoopy! -- zakapypip, 23:09:43 03/21/14 Fri
Hold The Fort, Snoopy! >http://tinyurl.com/odwhhd8

Ireland Superplanner: With Town Plans and Index
Law of Wills
Renewable Energy (Opposing Viewpoints)
Food and Cooking in Ancient Greece (Cooking in World Cultures)
Rethinking Agriculture: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives (One World Archaeology)
The American angler's book: Embracing the natural history of sporting fish, and the art of taking them : with instructions in fly-fishing, fly-making, .. solitary fly-fishing (Fly fisherman's gold)
The Gentle Art of Communicating with Kids
Sleepaway: The Girls of Summer and Camps They Love
Pushing the Boundaries
Hammond's Handy Atlas of the World with New Census
The City as a Resource: Concepts and Methods for Urban Design
Foundations & Adult Health Nursing (5th, 06) by MS, Barbara Lauritsen Christensen RN - MS, Elaine Oden Kockr [Hardcover (2005)]
Christmas At Timberwoods
The Ultimate Super Marketing, Godfather Principles and Accounting & Finance for Metal Sculptures Web Biz 3 Course + Resource Guide
An Iranian Metamorphosis
A history of Hindu chemistry from the earliest times to the middle of the sixteenth century, A. D: with Sanskrit texts, variants, translation and illustrations
Early Stage Investing Outlook 2001-2002 : An Industry in Transition
Ethics in Service
The Courage to Love: Brothers in Arms, Book 1
Mormonism And Its Masonic Roots
Magic Circus
I Ching: The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth
New Jersey Lawyers Diary and Manual 2014
The Active Female: Health Issues Throughout the Lifespan
Security Investments CB
It's your world: A basic ecology guide for children, with projects, activities, and pictures to color (A fat cat fun book)
Georgia: An Explorer's Guide
Zurich: FBCP.820 (French Edition)
Spelling Rules, Riddles and Remedies: Advice and activities to enhance spelling achievement for all
The Memorabilia
Wild Child: How You Can Help Your Child with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Other Behavioral Disorders
Servants of Nature: A History of Scientific Institutions, Enterprises, and Sensibilities
Volcanologist & Seismologist (Careers)
The Skilled Pastor: Counseling as the Practice of Theology
Latin for Americans Second Book
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Ceremonies Of Initiation In Britain
The New England Butt'Ry Shelf Cookbook, Receipts for Very Special Occasions
Records of the Past; Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments
Undying (Clare Point)
Spies of the Kaiser;: Plotting the downfall of England
Amazon Web Services For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
The High Call (Classic Reprint)
Family Man: The Art of Surviving Domestic Tranquility
Directory of State Court Clerks and County Courthouses 2013 (Directory of State Court Clerks and Count Courthouse)
Great American Homes (Explore America).

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Confucianism As A World Religion: Contested Histories And Contemporary Realities -- zakapypip, 23:09:04 03/21/14 Fri
Confucianism As A World Religion: Contested Histories And Contemporary Realities >http://tinyurl.com/odwhhd8

Illegal Immigration (Opposing Viewpoints)
Encyclopedia of Sleep
Jamestown's American Portraits: All for Texas: A Story of Texas Liberation
The Burning Spear Being The Experience of Mr. John Lavender in Time of War
Angels and Donkeys: Tales for Christmas and Other Times
Mitch Dobrowner: Storms
The Richest Man in China: Harnessing the 8 Pillars of Wealth
Neue Potentiale Im Kartenzahlungssystem (German Edition)
Nancy Drew Girl Detective(TM): Framed
Potholes to Paradise: Living in Costa Rica - What You Need to Know
The Untold History of the United States
Teacher Convenience Kit: Fall Quarter 2004
Read-it! Readers
The Life Of Samuel Johnson With Critical Observations On His Works
Vanguards and Followers: Youth in the American Tradition
The Tryal of Capt. William Kidd: for Murther & Piracy (Dover Maritime)
Rivers West
Physics, Chapters 1-17 (Volume 1)
Regulatory Interventionism in the Utility Industry: Fairness, Efficiency, and the Pursuit of Energy Conservation
The Construction of Nuclear Submarine Facilities at Devonport (House of Commons Papers)
Shell Kit (Books plus)
Clean House Clean Planet
Games to Enhance Social and Emotional Skills: Sixty-Six Games That Teach Children, Adolescents, and Adults Skills Crucial to Success in Life
Aircraft Powerplants
Risk Informed Regulation of Nuclear Facilities: Overview of Current Status (Iaea Tecdoc)
Zune For Dummies
Practical Plant Identification: Including a Key to Native and Cultivated Flowering Plants in North Temperate Regions
Goren's New Bridge Complete
The Stone: A Persian Legend of the Magi
Pee On It and Walk Away: How to Stay Stress-Free Among Difficult People. Life Lessons from Superdog Abby
European Community: Vision and Reality
A Short History of Buddhism (Mandala Books)
Oracle SAP Administration
The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle
Up Will Go Parliament
Football America: Celebrating Our National Passion
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher
Winchester's Finest, the Model 21
Yoga: v. 3: The Alpha and the Omega
An answer to the queries: An answer to the queries, : contained in a letter to Dr. Shebbeare, printed in the Public Ledger, August 10. Together with .. Briton. The first pronounced by the Right H
International Handbook on Ecotourism
Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography
From crime to Christ, or, 27 years in prison: The life story of W.H. Flake
Business History Explorer: Bibliography of UK Business and Industrial History
The First Year: Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed Child
Alaskan Yukon Trophies Won and Lost
Pocket Road Atlas: 2004 Edition.

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A Portraiture Of Quakerism: Taken From A View Of The Moral Education, Discipline, Peculiar Customs, Religious Principles, Political And Civil Economy, And Character Of The Society Of Friends -- zakapypip, 23:08:26 03/21/14 Fri
A Portraiture Of Quakerism: Taken From A View Of The Moral Education, Discipline, Peculiar Customs, Religious Principles, Political And Civil Economy, And Character Of The Society Of Friends >http://tinyurl.com/odwhhd8

The Snail and the Whale Big Book
Best Tent Camping: Missouri and the Ozarks: Your Car-Camping Guide to Scenic Beauty, the Sounds of Nature, and an Escape from Civilization
In Love and War: The Story of a Family's Ordeal and Sacrifice During the Vietnam Years
A catalogue of books, in the various branches of literature,: Which lately formed the library of a distinguished collector;
Topaz: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases
Lamplight Tales
Learning Through Speaking
The Physiology of Taste or Transcendental Gastronomy
Coding Regulation: Essays on the Normative Role of Information Technology (Information Technology and Law Series)
Christ, the mediator;: A sermon,
STRONG AND STUBBORN (Husbands for Hire)
Race Against Time (Nancy Drew, Girl Detective)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Midwife (Signet)
Julian's Reluctant Love [The Vampire District 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic Manlove)
Contemporary Theatre, Film & Television
The Ku Klux Klan in Minnesota
Industry and HMOs: A Natural Alliance (Springer Series on Industry and Health Care)
HTML5 for .NET Developers
The Politics of the Independence of Kenya (Contemporary History in Context)
Woodcock-Johnson III: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies
Third Watch (A. D. Chronicles, Book 3)
Zoltek Companies, Inc. - Financial and Strategic Analysis Review
Constitutional studies, state and federal
The Trouble With Valentine's Day
Competitive Energy Management & Environmental Technologies
Memorials of T.G. Godfrey-Faussett
Periodic Tales: A Cultural History of the Elements, from Arsenic to Zinc
Adoption Directory 2nd
Health Law and Compliance Update, 2008 Edition
The Rescue (Graphic Trax)
Voice: A Stutterer's Odyssey
God Bless the Spectrum: America's Showplace in Philadelphia, 1967-2009
Guide to Happy Family Cooking
Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils - The Backbone of Archaeological Dating
The Ultimate Super Marketing, Godfather Principles and Accounting & Finance for Masking Tape Web Biz 3 Course + Resource Guide
Charts of the meteor tracks contained in the British association catalogue of observations of luminous meteors, shewing the radiant points of meteoric .. charts, diagrams, and pictorial works)
Vergleichende Syntax Der Indogermanischen Sprachen: Aus: Grundriss Der Vergleichenden Grammatik Der Indogermanischen Sprachen: Kurzgefasste Darstellun (German Edition)
Planning Using Primavera SureTrak Project Manager Version 3.0 Revised 2006
Portland - Champion
Sterling Biographies: Jacques Cousteau: A Life Under the Sea
A Toulouse-Lautrec Sketchbook (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)
Supplement Sols Fin Services
Ulysses Green Escapes Hiking the Northeastern US
Posb KJV DLX, Isaiah 2 (Ch 36-66)
Newcastle 2013
The Karate Sensei
Irresistibility: Secrets of Selling Yourself
Lee and His Lieutenants: Comprising the early life, public services, and campaigns of General Robert E. Lee and his companions in arms, with a record of their campaigns and heroic deeds
Captain Underhill Uncoils the Mystery: The Cobra in the Kindergarten and The Whirlpool (Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater)
General Mills, Inc. Patent Mapping Report
Contesting Hidden Waters: Conflict Resolution for Groundwater and Aquifers (Earthscan Water Text)
On a Wicked Dawn (Cynster Novels)
Software Management Approaches: Project Management, Estimation, and Life Cycle Support: Software Best Practice 3
Hockey For Dummies (Hockey for Dummies, 1st ed)
Stir Fries ('Australian Women's Weekly' Home Library)
Full Score
The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
SIC 2879 PESTICIDES AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED: An entry from Gale's Encyclopedia of American Industries.

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Just Grace Goes Green (The Just Grace Series) -- zakapypip, 23:07:10 03/21/14 Fri
>>> Just Grace Goes Green (The Just Grace Series) <<<

Just Grace Goes Green (The Just Grace Series)
Too Good to Be True: The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff [With Headphones] (Playaway Adult Nonfiction)
Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion
God's Book of Love: For People Who Need God's Love and Need to Learn How to Love God and Others - The New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs - New International Version
Prentice Hall Math Tutor Center
Fife and Its People
The Elder Talmud On The Sanhedrin
The Great Mysteries: An Essential Catechism
Alzheimer's Shadow: Families Facing Critical Decisions
Hidden Kauai: Including Hanalei, Princeville and Poipu
Seasons of Life: Our Dramatic Journey from Birth to Death
He's Not All That!: How to Attract the Good Guys
E-Text on CD to be Packaged with Fundamentals of F Luid Mechanics, 4e
Handbook of Cancer Survivorship
Sick Girl
The advance-decline ratio: Breadth of the market
Network Analysis for Management Decisions: A Stochastic Approach (International Series in Management Science Operations Research)
Two-Year Colleges 2014 (Peterson's Two Year Colleges)
A synergistic approach to reasoning for autonomous satellites (Technical report)
Instant Harmonica
A is for abrazo;: A primer for newcomers to Venezuela
Waste Processing Plant Construction in the Czech Republic to 2015: Market Snapshot
Jingle All the Way (A Bright Red Ribbon, The 24 Days of Christmas, Santa Unwrapped, Maybe This Christmas)
Financial Market Integration and Growth: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics in the European Union
The Happiest Refugee: My journey from tragedy to comedy
Taste of Home Kid-Approved Cookbook: 300+ Family Tested Fun Foods

CMLR Anti-trust Reports 2000: v. 1
Atlas of Irish History
Sexual Power: Feminism and the Family in America (Revolutionary)
The Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System
Vault of the Vampire (Puffin Adventure Gamebooks)
Selected Documents Supplement to Cases and Materials on European Union Law, 3d (American Casebook)
Stalin's Spy: Richard Sorge and the Tokyo Espionage Ring
The Invisible Sale: How to Build a Digitally Powered Marketing and Sales System to Better Prospect, Qualify and Close Leads (Que Biz-Tech)
National Geographic Ocean Floor Physical: Standard Tubed, 43 1/2' X 30 1/4
Chinese Cooking With American Meals
Virtual Team Leadership and Collaborative Engineering Advancements
Venecia - Album de Vacaciones (Spanish Edition)
The Last Cast: Fishing Reminiscences
Tanach Cassuto Zahav (15 Volume Hebrew Bible Commentary) (Hebrew Edition)

The Living Heart Diet
The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market
Zacks Snapshot: Company Report FOR BOEING CO(BA) provided BY ZACKS INVESTMENT RESEARCH, INC.
Log Home Book, The
Framing Feminism: Art and the Women's Movement 1970-1985
All Talk: The Talkshow in Media Culture (Culture And The Moving Image)
Toys and Models (World of Design)
ISO 8297:1994, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of multisource industrial plants for evaluation of sound pressure levels in the environment - Engineering method.

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Honore Daumier Lithographien: 1861-1872 -- gilbeelett, 22:57:24 03/21/14 Fri
Honore Daumier Lithographien: 1861-1872 >http://tinyurl.com/kczwuqz

Honore Daumier Lithographien: 1861-1872, Voyaging: Southward from the Strait of Magellan
The Hooligans Have Landed
Rundweg im Herbst des Lebens: Kurzgeschichten
European Employment Law: A Country by Country Guide (Financial Times)
Jenny's Choice (Apple Creek Dreams Series)
Futoshiki 4: 200 Puzzles
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (7th Edition)
A Parent's Guide to the Best Kids' Comics: Choosing Titles Your Children Will Love
Bugged By Bugs (Bear in the Big Blue House (Paperback Simon & Schuster))
Stalin's Folly: The Tragic First Ten Days of World War Two on the Eastern Front
So You've Been Appointed Executor
Broadlooms and Businessmen: A History of the Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company
American Heart Association Eat Less Salt: An Easy Action Plan for Finding and Reducing the Sodium Hidden in Your Diet by American Heart Association 1st (first) Edition [Paperback(2013/3/5)]
The Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry--and What We Must Do to Stop It
The Green-Eyed Hurricane
Created To Be God's Friend Workbook how God Shapes Those He Loves
Original Skin: A Detective Sergeant McAvoy Novel
Carbonated Soft Drink Production in the US - Industry Market Research Report
TED (*The Empowerment Dynamic) for Diabetes: A Health Empowerment Story
Mass and the Sacraments Book II (A Course in Religion for Catholic High Schools and Academies Ser.)
Landscapes of Gran Canaria: A Countryside Guide (Landscape Countryside Guides)
Plautus And Terence
Report on the Proceeds of Crime Bill: Report and Proceedings of the Committee (Northern Ireland Assembly Papers)
Little Lamb, Who Made Thee?
Confessions of a Subprime Lender: An Insider's Tale of Greed, Fraud, and Ignorance
Family Home Evening for Newlyweds
Leadership 2030: The Six Megatrends You Need to Understand to Lead Your Company into the Future
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