Streets Of Rage Remake 5.1 Download

  1. Streets Of Rage Remake 5.0
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I already have written here TWO threads on it, complete with download links and meticulous analysis! Still, though, there are people around here who don't even know what this is, let alone to have played this wonderful masterpiece! So, here i am again, this time please DON'T let the thread DIE! Spread the word and everyone, especially old gamers, get it, play it, mod it, burn it!
Amateur group of people called 'Bomberlink Games', had been working for seven years straight on this project, before. Making their own engine from scratch, complete with physics and level editor, a rearranged and remixed soundtrack and a revival of the streets of rage series, in one huge MEGAMIX! It is not a mere remake, though, mind you.. It has ports for other OS as well! Within it, there are ALL players from all games, plus a newly made character exclusively for the remake, Electra and Mr.X as playables and each and every one of the different versions of the SAME character, based on their corresponding iteration of the game they appeared in, with different stats and movesets tied to them! For example, you have 3 different models of Axel and Blaze, 2 different models of Skate and 1 model of Zan, Max and Adam. There are also the secret characters too, from the Bare Knuckle series (japanese original), like Ash, Roo and Shiva; Shiva even has his alternative model from 2, as well (more buff).
All enemies from all games are present, with their corresponding sound effects based on which game they appeared originally at. The character on first game's cover art, who never found his way into the final game version, is also restored within this fan made project, that creepy guy with mask. Motorcycle prototype levels present in Bare Knuckle 3, which had been accessible through cheats and had been incomplete, now function properly, you can ride bikes and fight on them. Another innovation is boat rides. It is not a very faithful remake or an exact duplicate of the originals, but it has the scenario paths of them inside it, incorporated, with various changes, plot twists and stage branching, inside. There is a loot system and a shop to spend the money earned, like unlocking the playable characters, game features and.. Cheats. You can have both police call from 1 and special moves from 2 and 3, as well as running from 3, throughout ALL games at once, too! Game is uncensored, many female enemies are not redesigned like the Streets of Rage overseas version of the game back in the day, Mr.X smokes cigar and drinks wine, Blaze has an upskirt (but i won't spoil how and when) and long story short, gameplay is so awesome and complete, that you even run the risk of liking this remake even more than the originals themselves!
Best part about it though is its mods and modding capability. MANY people created one (or entire collections) of mods already, many of them keep updating and enriching them, too! The game's community is literally BUZZING and many people play, try, test, appreciate those mods, most of which are either about streets of rage series itself again, or other oldies and classics games, but redesigned to function within the Streets of Rage Remake V5.1 's engine, which is called SoRrMaker! It has something for everyone! Do you like Golden Axe? Just get the golden rage mod! Do you like classic arcades? No problem, go get the King of Dragons, Warriors of Fate or Knights of the round, or Cadillacs and Dinosaurs mod! Turtles in time from Snes, Powers Rangers the movie from Genesis/Mega Drive, Final Fight, Double Dragon, you name it, someone has modded it already!
Personal favorites and high quality mods, from very skilled modders, are:
1) Way of the Warrior. It has different routes, endings and is nicely worked out.
2) Adam's Story extended. You HAVE to play it.
3) H.U.N.T.E.R.
4) Streets of Rage 3 (faithful) remake. Mod that faithfully recreates the Bare Knuckle 3 scenario, with minor differences.
5) Streets of Rage 1 (faithful) remake, or even better, CajNatalie's collection! It has all versions of the first game, game gear, master system, mega drive, even the newly made mobile!
6) Streets of Rage 2 (faithful) remake, or even better, CajNatalie's collection! It has all versions of the second game, game gear, master system, mega drive, even a new mode like survival!
And many others. Just try those! You are in for a bag full of fun! This is a real masterpiece of a game! Personally, it is the first amateur made game i ever played and felt it is even better than triple A titles! Or of an original and professional game in comparison with it! It is free, distributed for free, no one charges ANYTHING for it and nobody should do that! It is legal, it's engine and game's content were made from scratch, without borrowing or 'stealing' anything. It even has computer controlled ally A.I. and option to play hotseat co-op with a friend, but unfortunately, no online, at least yet! Here are some links to get you going!
To begin with, what are we talking about, just what is this?
That wonderful editor.
Complete Report of completed mods full with download links or forum discussion on them!
And finally, plus most importantly, the game itself, with Soundtrack!
Please keep this alive for a long time and spread the knowledge! Sega closed it down and still works against it, but it is up to everyone to preserve a gem! If you want to discuss, feel free to do so! Have fun!
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From Germany
Thumbs up for this post. Everybody fond of Beat 'em Ups should absolutely play this. It's one of the best fan games ever made and the remixed soundtrack is amazing too.
Go Straight!
Post edited March 06, 2016 by ShadowOwl
KiNgBrAdLeY7 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Other
Don't forget to vote, too! Even though the chance to see it here is from unlikely to next to impossible, just put your faith and your vote, on this one!
rampancy Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Canada
Screw Sega for trying to suppress this game. Sega would have gained a huge amount of fan good will for giving their blessing for this project, or even officially supporting it.
Still, it is out there, and for that we can all be grateful.

Streets Of Rage Remake 5.0

ValamirCleaver Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From United States
I'm surprised you didn't also mention anything about Beats of Rage or OpenBOR.
BrandeX Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From China, People's Republic of
Apparently the publshing industry in Greece is different from the rest of the world.
hyperagathon Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.Remake
From Croatia
The soronline site has introduced a one download per IP limitation, can't download anything, probably due to shared IPs. The sorrcommunity link works, but that's the WIndows version, the Linux ones seem to have appeared and disappeared over the years. There's a package in AUR, but that uses the soronline files, and now literally can never be installed - it needs to download two files. It's a pity. (Yes, I know, download separately, blah blah, I meant 'as intended'.)
I expected to see some mention of OpenBOR as well. That one doesn't have legal or server problems, though most of the content would likely suffer the same fate as SoRR if anyone cared enough to send them C&Ds. But seemingly no one does until you reach SoRR levels of hype. 'Avoid success at any cost', hm..
Post edited March 07, 2016 by hyperagathon
MaxFulvus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From France
Here is an other link to download SoR Remake v5.1 :
djranis Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Canada
damn now i gotta bring out my mega drive and play the japanese version of bare knuckle 3
Kayx291 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Poland
djranis: damn now i gotta bring out my mega drive and play the japanese version of bare knuckle 3
I STILL don't understand why Sega had to up the difficulty to riddiculous point in localized version of Streets of Rage 3.
KiNgBrAdLeY7 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Other
rampancy: Screw Sega for trying to suppress this game. Sega would have gained a huge amount of fan good will for GIVING THEIR BLESSING FOR THIS PRODUCT, or even officially supporting it.
Still, it is out there, and for that we can all be grateful.
Sega are d*cks for double reason.. First thing, they had been conducted by Bombergames BEFORE they started working on it all those years and THEY GAVE THEIR 'BLESSING'! Game was out in V4 first and it wasn't as good as it is now. Then they perfected it and incorporated all routes from all games in its story mode, polished it and released its final version and only after that, A.K.A. after Sega saw it surpassed the originals, they ordered the deceast. Sneaky bastards, talent-less crooks, selling the originals for 2.50 euros each, while those amateur people pulled off a remade masterpiece as the product of 7 entire years of hard work, talent, inspiration and actual, genuine care for the project!
***** *****
And get the mods here.
***** *****
Post edited March 07, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
KiNgBrAdLeY7 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Other
And.. BUMPS!
Don't forget, there is a Linux Debian version around, too!
Have fun! And, ***don't forget to vote***!!!
Post edited March 07, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
hyperagathon Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Croatia
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Don't forget, there is a Linux Debian version around, too!
Until someone re-uploads it somewhere, there isn't. The links in that post are down. Oh, the Ubuntu Games site and the game page itself are up, but their repository isn't - it just redirects to (presumably) their hosting provider. The only other source I could find has the problem I already described in the previous post.
KiNgBrAdLeY7 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From Other
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Don't forget, there is a Linux Debian version around, too!
hyperagathon: Until someone re-uploads it somewhere, there isn't. The links in that post are down. Oh, the Ubuntu Games site and the game page itself are up, but their repository isn't - it just redirects to (presumably) their hosting provider. The only other source I could find has the problem I already described in the previous post. Sorry! Unless sorronline is back up for anyone to download freely, i am afraid nothing can be done.. At least i tried..
Post edited March 08, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
coryrj1995 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation..User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From United States
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Don't forget, there is a Linux Debian version around, too!
hyperagathon: Until someone re-uploads it somewhere, there isn't. The links in that post are down. Oh, the Ubuntu Games site and the game page itself are up, but their repository isn't - it just redirects to (presumably) their hosting provider. The only other source I could find has the problem I already described in the previous post. Got it! Found it! Took forever, [url=]but found it![/url]
Quick tutorial on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/that general distro:
first type/copy this into a terminal 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugames/games'
Second 'sudo apt-get update'
Lastly 'sudo apt-get install sorr'
sorr.jpg (178 Kb)
Post edited March 08, 2016 by coryrj1995
This is my favourite topic
General discussion

After eight Innotab download apps. years of development, the group eventually released their work, only to be pulled down from the developer's site at Sega's request (although details are sketchy, basic reckoning concludes that they did not want unsolicited competition for their eventual compilation re-release on Xbox LIVE), but not before having received wide coverage and spread with unofficial updates fixing the game.


Tropes exhibited specifically in this remake include:

  • A.I. Breaker: Mona and Lisa lost the above-listed AI Breaker from the original game, but now you can just grab them as they are getting up from the floor. They don't escape from this unlike most bosses.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: You can purchase the option to change some of the characters outfits (specifically what they wore prior to the second or third games) and have other color options as well. In Max's case, you can purchase a version where he uses the beta stance instead (a.k.a. how he was going to stand like in the completed SOR2 game).
  • Artificial Stupidity: Invoked with the 'Stupid' setting for the friendly AI.
    • Even on the other settings, the AI partner completely ignores whether its attacks will damage the player. Thankfully, friendly fire can be turned off in the options. Also, the AI tends to waste its police summons on mooks rather than save them for bosses.
  • Advertisement:
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: Mr. X becomes this in version 5.0, due to the fact he is WAY more challenging than his original incarnations.
  • Batter Up!: Adam can use special moves with baseball bats.
  • The Battle Didn't Count: Happens when you fight Rudra as a boss. After all you've had to do to defeat her, the following cutscene has her using some kind of jutsu (which she never used during the fight) to freeze the heroes on the spot. She then says she's not their enemy, frees them and flees.
  • Becoming the Mask: Rudra in one of the endings.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: The final version features copious amounts of blood when guns or a bladed weapon are used, graphic bisections when a foe is finished with a sword, blown up, or run down, and one boss brutally murdering someone mostly offscreen before he turns his attention towards the player(s). The blood and gore in the game can be turned off however, setting the violence level back to the Genesis/Mega Drive games.
  • Boss Remix: Has four: ('Attack of the Barbarian' and 'Never Return Alive'), and Rudra's boss theme (a remixed version of Yamato's theme). The fight against Orihime and Yasha on the SOR3 route remixes SOR3's boss theme.
  • Boss Rush: An unlockable gameplay mode.
  • Boss Warning Siren: Played with in the remixed boss theme, which begins with a sample that sounds like a siren.
  • Bottomless Magazines: The gun-wielding enemies never run out of ammunition, while you get stuck with Throw-Away Guns.
    • A cheat can be bought granting this feature to players, as well.
  • Car Fu: The Streets Of Rage 2 route begins with the cop car mowing down three Galsias. Can also be used in-game when you call the for the police backup as enemies outside of the screen to the left also stand a chance of getting run down by the cop car.
  • Cyborg: Elle, an unlockable character fitted with prosthetic whip-hands.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Break, Axel's robot doppelganger from 3, is inexplicably the only enemy that does not appear in the remake in any capacity.
  • Crosshair Aware: In the first level of the Streets Of Rage 2 route, one segment now has you try to avoid a sniper enemy's crosshair before he can shoot you (though you can lure him into shooting mooks). Thankfully (?), he only appears once.
  • Developers' Foresight: How does Roo, a kangaroo with boxing gloves, ride motorcycles and motorboats? He doesn't. Your nameless policeman buddy drives while Roo drives pillion! See also the spoiler under Smart Bomb.
  • Difficulty Levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, and Mania.
  • Doesn't Like Guns: Roo now knows how to use melee weapons, but he will immediately throw any firearm he picks up.
  • Doppelgänger Attack: Rudra performs one when she Turns Red, summoning two extra clones of herself to fight you.
  • Downer Ending: One of the endings that involves you failing to escape Mr. X's hideout before it explodes. The explosion levels several buildings within a several block radius and many lives are lost while the real Mr. X is free to roam and cause more chaos. You also get to see your fellow police officer giving a solemn salute to the fallen heroes as they are laid to rest.
  • Dual Boss: Some paths have you fight two Bongos. There is also an unlockable cheat to always spawn dual bosses.
  • Excuse Plot: Done intentionally.
  • Exploding Barrels: Found in this remake, although they blend together in with the non-exploding barrels.
  • Face–Heel Turn: If you accept Mr. X's offer to join him. This can lead to funky situations when you, for instance, unlock Mr. X and defeat Mr. X as Mr. X to BECOME THE BOSS.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: No good comes from the route that ends with Robo X. If you somehow get out of the building alive and stop the explosives, you escape the bad endings but get an neutral A Winner Is You ending because the real Mr. X got away.
  • Fan Remake: A particularly ambitious one that runs under Windows, combines levels and enemies from all three games and adds its own, sports remastered graphics plus new ones in the same style, a completely remixed soundtrack, adds gun weaponry, has nineteen playable characters, and lots of unlockables, including a level editor. An earlier version had a Super version of Shiva who was removed in the final version.
  • Fanservice: There's an Easter Egg in the game where Blaze goes topless as she gets knocked down.
  • Fanservice Pack: You can purchase the option to add panty shots in the store.
  • Gainax Ending: The game's ending if beaten in Mania mode.
  • Game-Breaking Bug: You can call on the police for help. One of their attacks is a rocket launcher which creates a circle of fire. If the rocket lands in a Bottomless Pit, the game stalls — nothing can move until the animation finishes, and due to a programming oversight, the game never counts the animation as finished if it can't start. You can't even pause the game — the only way out is to close the program. This was fixed with a patch.
  • Game Mod: SORMaker lets you create your own SOR game, using backgrounds from other games and other things. One particular mod to note is about a Gaiden Game portraying Adam as Hero of Another Story in how he's working behind the scenes in BK3 in order to eventually help Axel's team (he's also helped by Max, whose involvement in BK3 was just The Cameo in the good ending). Another mod uses Streets of Rage characters to recreate Final Fight.
  • Good Bad Bugs: If you want to easily make some extra money then beat the game once normally. Anytime you finish the game, for one time only, the game won't penalize you for using the stage select cheat. Set the difficulty to mania, go to the final stage where the bomb is active, and in three minutes the place will blow, netting you at least 15 thousand(using stage select usually penalizes you to the point this bonus is negated). For maximum benefit start in the bonus room, which has gold worth 10 thousand points. After you leave that room you'll start at the beginning of the building, where you'll have to try and find that randomly chosen room again, and you can keep going in and out of that room again and again until the place explodes. Even if you don't find it again the mania bonus is still worth it by itself.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Shiva, Elle, Ash and, against all logic, Mr. X himself will beat down the mooks and enforcers of the organization they used to work for or in fact ran in the last one's case when you unlock them. Rudra doesn't count, as explained in that character's unique ending, and considering Victy/Roo has full help from the police force when playing as the character, it's implied that this particular fighter was never villainous to begin with.
  • Jump Physics: The remake gives you the option of either using the jump physics of SOR1 (both jump path and facing can be changed in mid-jump), SOR2 (cannot change path or facing when in motion), or SOR3 (the path can change but not the facing).
  • Kill 'Em All: If you fail to get out of Mr. X's building before time runs out in one route, all of the heroes die from the ensuing explosion, and their policeman ally makes a salute at their graves afterwards.
  • Laser Blade: There's an unlockable cheat in the game that turns swords into light sabers.
  • Lonely at the Top: Shiva seems to think so in Ending 1. Unlike everyone else, he sits looking bored the entire time, and doesn't laugh evilly or move at all after the credits roll.
  • Lonely Piano Piece / Solemn Ending Theme: Heard during the credits after the two worst endings. Especially poignant for the ending where the heroes' policeman ally is left completely alone.
  • Long Song, Short Scene: Version 4 had a remix of 'Spin on the Bridge' used in the dance club stage in place of a mix of the original song, which proved popular. When Version 5 came out and they went with a remix of 'Dance Club' instead for that same stage, they kept the 'Spin on the Bridge' remix.. as a song that plays in the twenty second cutscene following the bosses' defeat. note
  • Luck-Based Mission: Stage 8 if you beat Robo X. You're on a Timed Mission, 3 minutes to be exact, to either disarm the bomb or ignore it and beat Shiva quickly as possible before the timer expires. The catch? The rooms that contain the keycard to reach the bottom floor and the control console to stop the bomb are randomized in each play through, so it's possible you can wind up finding nothing but trap rooms and get the worst ending for dying in the explosion due to time wasted in getting lost and having to fight mooks every time you leave a room.
  • Made of Explodium: An unlockable cheat will cause all enemies to explode violently upon death. They behave just like explosive items, bikes, and barrels, so enemies standing near the soon-to-be-corpse will potentially cause a chain of exploding enemies, while players standing nearby will lose a lot of health, so watch out!
  • Man on Fire: Anyone (bar the robots) hit with certain fire attacks. (The fires on the floor, the fire breath attacks of Bongo & Big Ben, Rudra’s police special, and the torches used by the jugglers, but not Axel’s fire punches, the regular police call, grenades, or exploding enemies, bikes, and containers)
  • Meteor Move: Rudra's back throw, which consists of kicking her victim straight up into the air, ninja teleporting to catch the him/her, and then slamming them back into the ground using the Izuna Drop.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Rudra could well rival Blaze. She wears a vest that emphasizes her stomach, she's got Absolute Cleavageespecially in her unique ending, she wears fishnet stockings that help to emphasize that She's Got Legs, her skirt's short enough that you can get very briefPanty Shots if she kicks high, and the lower half of her outfit gives a subtle outline of her butt if she BECOMES THE BOSS.
  • Multiple Endings: As of Version 5, Streets of Rage Remake features a maximum of eight, depending on which route you took and what final level you played. Three of them are lifted from the first two games (thus, it's possible to BECOME THE BOSS once again). Variants on the Streets of Rage 3 route involves trying to stop bombs from blowing up the city and the building you're in, with Shiva as the final boss. Regardless of whether or not you stop the bomb and defeat Shiva, Mr. X escapes. And one ending requires a no-cheats completion on Mania mode. One hidden character also has an ending made completely for them. Rudra's ending is accessed by beating Mr. X on the final level of the Streets of Rage route or Streets of Rage 2 route by herself on at least the hard difficulty setting. Remember her post boss fight dialogue where she says she's not your enemy? Her reason for fighting shows in her ending, which shows her freeing her little sister that was captured by the syndicate. The post credits scene shows the little girl trying to follow in Rudra's footsteps in being a fighter and struggles to lift a sword.
  • No Fair Cheating: Using cheats lowers your money points at the end. If you steal from the shop, you're forced to pay for it later.
  • Non-Lethal K.O.: The remake uses this on the boss characters (except the robot types, which explode upon defeat). While standard mooks are implied to be killed by the player (especially when you can cut them in half with a sword, throw a grenade at them, or toss them into a pit or off a moving lift), boss characters are shown in a cutscene to be either out cold or dazed, bloodied, and bruised, no matter what was used to defeat them in the fight previously.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: The Seeker robots are so fragile that one punch can instantly destroy them. However, they explode upon defeat, so watch out! Luckily, the Seekers can do nothing but jump around.
  • Palette Swap: After you've beaten the game at least once, you can choose the color of your player character's outfit at the select screen.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: If you fight Mr. X's robot duplicate and successfully disabled the bombs, the city is safe, but the real Mr. X is still out there. Likewise, if you escaped without disabling the bombs, Mr. X is still alive and most of the city is destroyed from the explosion.
  • Secret A.I. Moves: Averted. The developers put a lot of work in improving Mr. X's Gun Fu and working in additional animations (none of which are displayed during his boss fight) to make him as playable as the initially available characters, all while avoiding making him too game-breaking. Granted, he can be more powerful than other characters of the cast, but not by much, which keeps playing as him interesting.
    • Played somewhat straight with Rudra, but then again, how would you control her Doppelgänger Attack?
  • Shoplift and Pay: There's a shop (staffed by Blaze, of all people) that unlocks after you beat the game, enabling you to buy secret characters, cheats, and extras. Should you access the shop while your computer's clock is between 5 and 7 AM, Blaze will be asleep, and you can attempt to steal an item. The chance of successfully stealing an item is 50/50, and the computer decides this at random. If you fail, Blaze wakes up, screams 'THIEF!' in your face, and you get banned from the shop until you beat the game again. If you succeed, however, you can get any one item — even the super-expensive ones like the SOREditor and the infinite lives cheat — for free.. and you still end up locked out of the shop. And this time you have to pay Blaze back for the item you stole by beating the game. Did you steal the SORmaker? Have fun playing through the game 10+ times!
  • Shout-Out: Several. Not only do other Sega games get references, homages and cameos, but other beat 'em ups and fighting games as well.
  • Shown Their Work: The developers put a lot of effort into recreating elements from the series. Not only did the developers include levels that were Dummied Out from SOR3 and a few levels exclusive to the Master System/Game Gear versions of the series, they also included sprites of Axel, Blaze, Skate and Shiva from all their perspective games and choosing a different sprite also changes their fighting style to how they fought in those games. The game options have also lots of details, such as determining what Streets of Rage game you want the combo system to reflect, what game you want your movement and jumping to be based on, how you want your hit boxes and having the ability to play as SOR2 Blaze with her up kick showing off her panties, which had been censored in the North American version. Attention to detail was heavily used in the remake while still retaining the feel of the series.
  • Smart Bomb: The remake gives one of these to all but three of its 19 playable characters, though some are special fighting techniques that don't actually involve summoning the police. The three that don't get one are Mr. X, who taunts you for trying to call the police (he is a crime lord, after all) and both the SOR2 and SOR3 versions of Shiva, for whom the 'police call' button simply does nothing.
  • Sound Test: Like the original games, you can listen to the game's music in the options menu.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard:
    • Onihime and Yasha take off more of your health per successful impact than the final boss. In Mania, getting suplexed by either of them is a guaranteed death, no matter how high your health is! No other boss, not even in their respective game, does that much damage at once.
    • The boss with knife-hands will shadow-step and counter any jumping attacks, and their reach is slightly longer than your own.
    • Mr. X owns a Tommy-Gun, and is more than happy to mow down your character whenever he pleases! At least the bullets barely do any damage.
  • Third-Person Seductress: Blaze is the one manning the shop where you buy various items. While you're browsing around the shop, she's standing there to the side, dressed in her red bra and nothing else covering her top half, and there's a slight shot of her skirt and stockings below (both mostly covered by the graphic showing your in-game cash), and all the while she's looking right at you with a smile on her face, except for a few moments when she looks to the side while you're selecting certain options. Have a look.
  • Throw-Away Guns: The heroes can pick up guns (imported from the Capcom's 'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs' arcade Beat 'em Up) which the heroes throw them in the Mooks faces when out of ammo.
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: Played with. Shiva is established as having something of a rivalry with Axel, which didn't exist in the original games (beyond them being on opposing sides, of course). Fittingly, Axel has his Dragon Wing and Dragon Smash special moves, and Shiva has a special move called the Tiger Palm (which he didn't have in the original games).
  • Timed Mission: Version 5 included a final escape in one route. After defeating Robo X, escape the building in 3 minutes (timer varying depending on difficulty) or explode with it. If you find the keycard, you battle Shiva as your final obstacle to freedom. The ending you get however depends on whether or not you disarmed the bomb before getting to him or not.
  • To The Bat Noun: The cutscenes don't do much to explain progression between levels besides 'There's a door here.' or 'Our helicopter/bike/yacht will arrive to our destination soon.' They do even less for the story anyway.
  • Trick Boss: Robo X in one route, like in the original games. Only, in this case, the building is rigged to explode after his defeat. With Shiva waiting at the exit.
  • Unexpected Character: Mr. X, the Big Bad, as well as Elle, an Electra clone from SOR2, both with extended movesets.
  • Unique Enemy: Several, including a Jason variant of Jack, a trucker, a sniper, and a few more. Notably, one of the enemies is a blonde haired Galsia in a white shirt and jeans, whose KO cry echoes. Oh and he's named Cody.
  • Unlockable Content: Tons, all of which are unlocked and purchased through the shop where extra characters, cheats, the SORMaker, bonus features and more are found.
  • Victory Pose: Everyone performs a victory pose at the successful conclusion of whatever mode you're playing.
  • Yellow Brick Road: A variation. Version 5 has you begin on one of four starting points, but all routes lead to Mr. X's headquarters.. though not to the exact same ending.


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