How To Install A Microsoft Dynamics Ax Hotfix Crystal Tool

  1. How To Install A Microsoft Dynamics Ax Hotfix Crystal Tools

As you probably know, we've been working on providing a hotfix to cut the overhead in compile time experienced between AX2012 RTM and R2. For some of the systems where the issue was reported, the fix improved performance by as much as 50% - quite visible when comparing to previous compile times achieved with AX 2012. Not all installations will benefit equally from this tuning due to vast differences in performance characteristics as covered in earlier blog post.

NET CF,XML,Seagate Crystal Reports 7.0, 8.0, Actuate E-Reporting Tool 6.0, MTS 2.0, COM+, DCOM, WebSphere, WebLogic, VSS, TFS Maximo ERP and. And France 4/Chosen by Microsoft as part of their AX Accelerate Program to impart training to partners and end users on the New Dynamics AX 7 on a freelance basis.

At the time of blogging this, the hotfix is so hot off the press and freshly published that the KB information isn't fully available yet, however the testing is completed, the hotfix is final and can be downloaded/requested from the following link:

Like all the other hotfixes to the product binaries, it's a full service roll up of hotfixes to all the binaries.

The core of the fix is in the Model Store schema managed by axutil and, if you don't rely on SQL replication for your model store, you can get a very similar effect by deleting the Primary Key index defined for the table ModelSecurityPermission (DISCLAIMER: This requires tinkering directly with the SQL schema, so it's only advised for experimental use. For all production scenarios, please apply the hotfix in completeness.) The hotfix is different and a little bit more involved since it redefines a PK for the table, to ensure that replication is still possible, while maintaining the best possible query plan. The hotfix will be part of the upcoming CU6 release for AX2012 R2.

Note: when you've applied the hotfix, you need to run 'axutil schema' against the model stores you want updated.

With this fix, we're addressing the loss in compile speed that surfaced with the R2 release, relative to AX2012 RTM. With that one done, we're continuing the pursuit of other improvements. Stay tuned...

I trust everyone has had a productive and Dynamics filled week! A lot to cover from this week, with a big focus around the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack release. I'm still in the process of disecting the release and parts of it, so expect to have some post soon, right here on the topic.
I did, want to post a nice little nugget of information for you, specifically related to AX 2012 before this work week left us. This nugget of information, is specifically related to how you can quickly tell, what Models have been installed for a specific instance.
When using the terms models, here, this then includes any Functional Models delivered from Microsoft, as well as any cumulative updates, like CU2. Further this is how you can also tell what Hotfixes, which are delivered as model files, have been applied to a specific instance.
You start the process, by launching into an instance of AX 2012, and then clicking on the question mark in the top right hand corner of the AX Rich Client.
In doing this, the help context menu should appear, as seen above, and the next for you, is to click on the 'About Microsoft Dynamics AX' option. In doing this, you should see a screen similar to the one pictured below.
Here we have some information that is specific to the instance of AX 2012 your connected to. The next option you want to click, is the one highlighted above, 'Show Installed Models.' Doing this, should bring you to the following screen.
As you can seen, from the above, we are now able to tell every model that has been installed with the specific instance of AX 2012, including HotfixesCrystal.
I hope this little bit of information helps someone out there, it's handy to understand these specific points, as it helps when addressing issues, and understanding what really is in a specific instance of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Well that's all for this post, check back soon though as more Cloud, BI, AX 2012, Mobile ERP, and of course coverage of the AX 2012 Feature pack continue on. Till Next Time!
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How To Install A Microsoft Dynamics Ax Hotfix Crystal Tools

How to install a microsoft dynamics ax hotfix crystal tools
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Labels: AX 2012, CU2, Cumulative Update 2, Dynamics AX 2012, Hotfix, Microsoft, Models, Show Models Installed, Slipstream

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