Freenas Full Install Xzc


In my home lab setup I’ve currently got 1 FreeNAS box and 1 ESXi box. They’re connected using a multipath iSCSI link on cheap quad-gigabit cards I brought used. This setup works quite well for home lab use and provides a safe enough place to store my VMs. In this article I’ll guide you through. Download Zcoin wallets for Windows, macOS and Linux, find mobile wallets for iOS and Android, download Znode software, read which exchanges to buy Zcoin (XZC) at and find out about mining.

Conan the barbarian 1982 full movie torrent download. Every once and while your FreeNAS boot USB will fail, this is sadly a part of life, things fail and break. However all is not lost as FreeNAS has a nice back-up utility for your system configuration.

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NOTE that this is NOT a back up of your data stored in your storage array(s) this is simply a back up of your FreeNAS configuration in the event of a failed boot usb.

When you have your FreeNAS set up as you want it (i.e shares and volumes configured) you are going to want to make a back up of your config file therefore if you must do a fresh install of your FreeNAS usb you can reload your past configuration and be back up and running!


To save your configuration:

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  1. Open a browser and point it to your NAS' IP to open the FreeNAS webGUI.
  2. Go to 'System -> General' and click 'Save Config'.
  3. A '.db' will download in your browser. This is your configuration settings, make sure you save this somewhere safe so if you ever have to reinstall FreeNAS you have this file handy.

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To restore your configuration:

  1. boot into your freshly installed FreeNAS and navigate to the webGUI.
  2. Go to 'System -> General' and then click 'Upload Config' and choose the '.db' file you created when you set up your configuration.
  3. The system will then reboot with your old configuration!
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